Profile/Rank Based

Tailored analysis of your profile and rank for optimal college selection.

College Shortlisting

Expert shortlisting of colleges that best fit your preferences and qualifications.

Building Complete Roadmap

Comprehensive roadmap creation for both All India and State counseling processes.

Application Filling

Professional assistance with accurately filling out your college applications.

Sharing Med. Colleges Health Report

Providing detailed health reports on medical colleges for informed decision-making.

One to One Live Discussions with our Experts

Personalized live discussions with experts before each counseling round.

Choice Filling Assistance

Guidance on filling out college and course choices for maximum benefit.

4x7 Live Support

Around-the-clock support and coordination for all your counseling needs.

End to End Documentation Support

Complete support with all necessary documentation throughout the process.

Personalized Expert Counselor

Dedicated expert counselor support until final college allotment.

Complete Assistance Under NRI Quota

Specialized assistance for students applying under the NRI quota.

Guaranteed Allotment from Shortlisted Options

Assurance of college allotment from the shortlisted options.

Enroll Now for Rs 25,000